Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sofa Table

Sofa Table Before

It had a light varnish on it but I wanted to see what would happen if I painted over it instead of stripping. Maybe this is a step I dont need.

I did sand the top though. I painted outside in a balmy 39'. I wasnt sure the paint would fully dry so I made sure to keep in the sun.

It didnt fully dry, about 80%. I like how it turned out. The paint sanded off quickly for a chippy look. The table was a little wobbly so Bret shot a couple of nails in the legs. It helped.
Sofa tables are popular and I hope this sells quick.
Jennifer and I are doing the Twin Falls Home and Garden Show this Spring so I need to get busy.

1 comment:

  1. I follow your other blog, I love seeing the furniture you redo. I am trying to get up the nerve to try this with some of my furniture!! Now, to decide on a color!

